About Me

Ehehe... my vile corruption of a breathless quote by that ballerina in Pedro Almodovar's "Talk to Her"... from the earth the ethereal, from beasts flowers, and from man woman and vice versa...
Something Lovely
Friday, July 18, 2008

Oprah has a "Gratitude Book" (no, I don't watch Oprah). Being Oprah, she possesses an uncanny Ability to exert an unseen Power that Compels.
Therefore, starting now, my Gratitude List:
1. The Expanse of Tyra Banks's Forehead
2. White Rabbit Candy
3. A Barefoot Contessa
4. Nescafe Instant Coffeemix with Milo
5. "The Power of Love" on a Saturday morning

Posted by Yong at 7:33 PM

Monday, December 03, 2007

at three am in a slipstream of hot
fury, coarse, given power
shining neath tungsten moons
wrapped in wan sheaths, blue and gray
sharp-points of needle-metal, there is a
rush of air about the ears, a mist is drawn from
unclarified air, sodden with sullen
recriminations, and whispers of relief.
Delve headlong, dive and reverse
speed to the surface, sputtering,
meet a vending machine, coolly
blinking fantastic zest. And one is stroked
to a humane plane, as, with the louche grace
of a goddess long sullied
sweet Sun on loamy throne rises, sprays
white milk warm and rich
soothe, soothe, salve and balm
for our arid eyes.

Posted by Yong at 7:03 AM

Sunday, April 29, 2007


My japanese name is 吉国 Yoshikuni (good fortune country) 拓海 Takumi (open sea).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.


Posted by Yong at 9:07 AM

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

So much raving, ranting, and whining! I must count my blessings, quietly. I still feel a bit sore. But it's a cliche and always something one must bear in mind, that there are others in far worse states. Not much of a comfort, but true comfort nevertheless. And there are always options, really, if one has some clarity and stoutness of heart.

Posted by Yong at 9:45 AM

More and more I think "whatever whatever". I want to be a goatherd. Not really, but there's the general idea. I think I want an MBA, and a part-time degree, and an additional language. Then - query beauty, query love, but oui to freedom. I've discovered my passion for carbs, yet again. I also love fat, but that's the baseline, and I can always feel my curry and ice-cream and milk and butter chugging merrily along my arteries. That's why I shouldn't even think of going into Paeds. Or anything I hate, really. Life's too short to slave away, especially since you only hit consultant when you're wrinkled, eye-baggy, a style relic, kyphotic, and weird... Eyucks. I want a job that allows me to not scrape the dirt off consultant's shoes, to hike up Machu Picchu and inhale the thin air, and to say "I think I've seen something" instead of "I know the classification of a zillion cancers". When did doctoring become a monotony, lit by sparks of splendour that are so rare, getting rarer? How is interest stifled? Really I shouldn't have read so many books when I was young, and believed that Conan Doyle typified doctors. How can wisdom and apprenticeship, and revelation and beauty, and character, humour, vividness, live in this age of PBL and cost-cutting and healthcare tourism and consult whoring?
I think I'm essentially empathetic, but unsympathetic. I can picture all sorts of terrible things that others bear, but I must then devote and attend and make absolutely sure, and that's the path to going quite perfectly bonkers. So the alternative is to be cool and cold and intellectually hard-hearted, and where's the joy in that? I can deal with hateful forms, juggle and twist them into manageable things, but it's been like that for so long now. I've always subsumed interest for practicality, as far as as the general scheme goes. But can this be a life? Yes, actually, but it's a quiet kind of horror. The same horror that made me drop AEP, and choose Japanese, and endure Physics. All for - indentured slavery, and more memorisation, and exhortations from people I cannot imagine myself becoming.

Posted by Yong at 8:45 AM

Watched "Matchpoint" some time ago. Thoroughly gross characters, still, better than "Annie Hall". Andreas Scholl's a marvellous voice. Also, couldn't stop listening to George Michael's Wham! hits for a while. Plus The GoGos, and "Islands in the Stream". I can't account for my tastes.

Posted by Yong at 8:39 AM

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Such an appeal to vanity.


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Posted by Yong at 12:21 PM

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

More on "Narnia". Why are BBC productions always better? They betray their cheapness in every other scene, but they make the equivalent Hollywood glam-ups look so tepid. The recent "L, W & the W" was horrid, if not for Tilda Swinton, and only because she was grossly miscast and cared not a whit, but the BBC series has such potential for viewer boredom, and yet is so completely charming. It's like choosing between a foal, clip-clopping its silly way across a weedy meadow, or a thoroughbred stallion with a name like "Twenty Million".

Posted by Yong at 7:18 AM

We thought it would be "Scoop", but ended up to be "Severance" instead, which was gross and scary and quite classic B-grade delight. Also the accents in BBC "Narnia" - oh, wonder!

Posted by Yong at 7:07 AM

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday call, did a CPR on a patient. Not that he survived, and really no-one expected him to, but it was good practice. It sounds so horridly blase, but it really wasn't so beastly for us - not that it was the same for the relatives, naturally. Also plugs plugs blds blds cultures cultures ECGs ECGs enzymes enzymes ad infinitum. Ehehe.

Posted by Yong at 9:05 AM

An Assortment of Delights
+ Ramblings, etcetera.